Mar 12, 2015

If you want it let me hear you say "Gimme some more"

People have been telling me all week that "it's soo long since I've seen you!!". Well, how should I put this.. I've been staying at home freezing my butt off, waiting for summer the last 4 months, and it's really nice to see you too, thanks.

I mean, the summer is more of less back now, and so am I. It's been sunny since last week and I've been mostly off work this week, so naturally I've been having shots for breakfast ever since that Jägerbomb Monday morning. Great. Perfect way to start off the summer/daydrinking season.

On Monday I also decided to channel my inner Ke$ha, I mean more than Jägerbombs on a Monday morning, so I colored my hair pink. I really tried (perhaps not so hard,) getting it red, but who the hell cares. It actually got a little orange in the back too, due to the obvious blind zone, but I'm not complaining. I also tried taking a picture of my hair for days now, but failed a little bit as I'm not really that experienced in taking selfies, so please feel free to chose the picture below you hate the least, because all of them are all kinds of blurry, just like this week.

The picture on the left is the only one where I'm not wearing a beanie so you're welcome. That's my "don't really wanna take a picture but doing it all for you anyways"-face. Also the one on the right is when it started to wash out. Pink Ombre for the win.

Even found a drink I've been looking for for the longest time. I've had it a million times when I've been drunk but I can never remember what it's called.. I mean it's the only green drink I know of that's not a frozen mojito, but it's a fucking grasshopper and I don't know how I could ever forget that. But I did. Multiple times.
Here is me and my Grasshopper. I love you and I will never forget you again. This is also why I have a blog. Cause I forget shit all the time.

I have also been drinking green shots, which are my favorite shots, but I don't know what these are called either, as I just have to request "the green shots" whenever I'm buying them. Names are overrated anyways.

But what really defines summer, is the fact that I was able to wear shorts outside for a whole day, and I even bought Mc Donalds for breakfast to celebrate. Summerbody 2015, here I come.
And also, what the fuck is shorts really good for, if not looking like you aren't wearing any.

Mar 7, 2015

I'm always fucking childish you knew that when you met me

Just the dancing at 1:40 is worth the watch, but you should seriously consider putting Childish Gambino's music videos on repeat for a while. And he is really smart so you might even learn something.

Ehm, I've been called out a lot of times for claiming everything as my favorite. Like I have about 650 favorite songs, but when people think that's too many, I don't feel it's enough. One of my favorite song's is by Childish Gambino, and it's called Heartbeat, and you have to listen to the Dirty version, because well, it has all the dirty words, which adds up to almost the whole song. And I really like artist's that do that.

"I wish we never fucked, and I mean that. But not really, you say the nastiest shit in bed and it’s fuckin’ awesome"

Mar 4, 2015

That feeling that doesn't go away just did

So, I've gotten a few requests to write more about what I'm actually doing, and not just what I'm thinking of, and believe me, I really want to. Only problem is that Malta is boring during the winter, and so am I. But I don't like to disappoint either so here you go;

Got off my 6th and last night shift yesterday morning at 8, and when you are that sleepy, but need to stay awake, I find it most helpful to become something else than sleepy, but even more. Yesterday I chose drunk so around 12 when I was too tired to stay awake at home, I went out daydrinking instead.

The summer is almost ready to return and has been teasing with day drinking weather all yesterday and today. I also have a new partner in crime! He is new to Malta, and since he just got here he's almost as excited as I am, and everyone truly deserves to have someone who is equally as excited as them self's.

Here we are at Havana on a Thursday in February. There is no one out then but we don't give a fuck. We came prepared. Prepared and excited.

Because the thing you really need when going out successfully, is just that, excitement. You simply cannot have fun anywhere without wanting to be there, and wanting to have fun. So be excited. It's all kinds of fun. I mean, I can have fun sitting on a chair.
Until I fall off, then its even more fun. I think actually I have had the most fun on the floor. Unless it's sticky.

Mar 1, 2015

Summertime Sadness got nothin on Wintertime FML

You ever heard about the 5 stages of grief? I mean, I've read it, and it's basically the 5 stages of Winter in Malta. At least for me.

1. Denial and Isolation
I went to Medasia Playa's End of summer party alone last year. I mean I found some friends after a bit, but I went there alone.  I think that counts as both denial and isolation, because I was alone for most of it, and can remember thinking "ha-ha summer's not over yet. Amateurs". You can even see that I'm thinking this in the photo I found.
That is my "haha-fucking-amateurs" look. ..Then I seem to recall summer ending a few days after that. Fuck. That probably means I'm the amateur.. 

2 Anger.
I think I had my first rage about the cold somewhere in October already and I think it was only to test if anger could help me feel warmer. I don't really get angry normally and it didn't help with the warmth either, so I gave up on this one pretty quickly.

3 Bargaining.
"Please weather God, if I promise to spend more time outside, can it please be summer again?"
Yeah, that obviously didn't work, but I was still stuck on this one a while..

4 Depression.
Comes when you realize that winter is inevitable, and you have to live through it all. ALL. OF. IT. This is also when you turn to Vodka.

5 Acceptance.
 After enough Vodka, you'll eventually get to either summer or acceptance. I'm pretty much at this stop now. I am calm, collected and waiting. And perhaps a little drunk. I have accepted the fact that its winter and not summer. And I also accepted that it is still some waiting to do. But it's boring as fuck.

Feb 26, 2015

When a Fire Starts to Burn. Right? And it starts to spread

She gon' bring that attitude home
Who don't wanna do nothing, with their life

I don't even know what to write about this song, it's so good. It left me speechless. Speechless and dancing.

Feb 22, 2015

You ask me where I been? I've been everywhere

I drive fast, wind in my hair, I push you to the limits 'cause I just don't care

I wish. But I've been sleeping. And listened to Lana Del Ray on repeat. I've been doing that for about 11 days now, maybe even longer. I mean, it's still winter and all, but these past days have been especially wintery, as it has been constantly raining, at least for the parts I've been awake.

It's pretty much still raining but what can you do? I know, let's go shopping with the rest of the money I got this month. Yes. And then I did the only thing you can do in Malta without money. I went out.

Yesterday was a really eventful evening actually. I think I make up for all the adventures I miss when I'm sleeping, and when you only have a few hours in between work to pull off the adventures, well, I have a few pictures that would back up my theory.

I got a free pizza, simply by asking the dude in the pizza shop, theoretically, what I had to do in order to get a free pizza. He got kinda embarrassed when I suggested showing him my boobs, even tho I wouldn't do it for real(it's totally illegal in Malta), but he gave me a pizza anyhow.

I also felt the need to smuggle this piece of pizza into the nightclub so you can actually see inside my jacket that it was indeed pizza there last night. I also have pictures, and this is basically the closes thing I will ever get to kissing photos online.

And I cracked my phone. It was a small crack so no worries, but still. I could say "I'm never taking my phone out with me again", but to be honest this happened in the kitchen after I got back. Also, if you are not having your phone out with you, how will you approve that tag request on that Facebook picture of your butt at 2 AM? I guess we'll never know.

One thing I do know is that I love the free going out part, but to be honest the hangover costs at least a few recovery pizza's the day after as well, and somehow I cannot get free food when I'm sober. I have no idea how that is really working and I am too hungover to figure it out today.

Feb 10, 2015

But don't be acting like I need you, cause we poppin' like

I am really fucking sorry that I haven't been blogging lately. Not for your sake perhaps but because that indicates that I've been bored as fuck the last couple of days/weeks. Or, not directly bored, because I strongly believe that only boring people stay bored, but there is nothing happening right now, so I'm basically just lying in bed, waiting for April.

Sorry, I wish my days were a bit more eventful too, but hey, it's low season right now and that's cool. Key word: Cool. Fucking cool as in cold as shit. See you when I'm warm enough to go outside, clothing optional.

Because the thing is- I need to feel free. And free also means being free to wear whatever I want, at all times, which most of the time means nothing at all. When it's this cold all the time, I don't feel very free. I don't feel very free lying in bed next to my heater, and I certainly do not feel very free when I have to wear layers of clothing in order to go outside... Like, I'm I the only one who gets dressed underneath the covers?

I don't even see the point in blogging right now. Like lyfe is good, but boring as shit atm. I sleep, work and sleep some more. That's it. And looking at almost naked people on Tumblr. I'm not sure if that counts as a hobby, but I do that too sometimes. All the time.

I just want to be naked and warm at the same time,
and I don't feel like that's too much to ask for when you live right next to Africa. Seriously dude.

Feb 8, 2015

Sometimes I need to be alone, Bitch don't kill my vibe

I never feel lonely when I am alone. I mean I am aware that I am alone, but I don't mind. I like spending time alone. No one complains about the music when I'm playing my new favorite song for the 50th time that day, no one is distraction my thoughts about Pokemon, no one is complaining when I don't speak for hours at the time and I can just be, clothing optional and all.

But even tho I like doing all these things alone, I don't mind when I find a person I can do all these things with. You know, someone to be alone with. A person you can be silent with for hours but still never having an awkward silence with. More like an appreciated silence, or even an expected silence. Someone who you feel comfortable with even in your kitty pyjamas and when you are not in the mood to entertain anyone but yourself. 

One of my best friends is exactly this way, and telepathy is our main form of communication. Not kidding. We can be silent for forever then start laughing out loud of the same thing. She is probably the best person to be alone with and I feel that everyone should have people they can be alone with. Because being alone is great, but being alone with your bestfriend is even better.

Today I'm going to be alone alone, which I am kinda exited about. Also I'm sleeping all day since I'm working nightsshifts this week, and I am even more exited about that. 

Feb 7, 2015

I been working too damn hard to let you feel that way boo

Been listening to this cover of Drake's "Days in the West" for days now, and this girl Tinashe is the bomb. She has a song called "Boss" as well, and it has been one of my favorites since I first heard it in 2012, so I am super exited she is making more music now. She is like a little more clean, female version of The Weeknd, and it is working out so well.

Who you think you're talking to
I spent time alone long before I met you
These days lookin' like a dream since I've been on the road

Spendin' all my days on the west side oh
It don't feel the same on the other side no

Story of my life. 

Feb 5, 2015

Spendin' all my days on the west side oh

All I want right now. Long dresses, cool tattoos, cats, gold, someone who understands a thing or two about being happy alone, and of course the Sea, the Sea and the Sea.

Feb 4, 2015

Better be street if he lookin' at me. I need a soldier.

I've been playing this song for some time now, and fuck yes, this is so spot on. I hate setting requirements for people I would like to date, because there is too many good qualities out there to only date one specific one, but seriously, if you don't know what Odd Future is, then I don't see us dating for that long. Or at all really.

It's not that Tyler the creator is super relevant to my life or anything, but it says something about what kind of person you are. I also need someone that understands me, and with the amount of Rap lyric references I come with, that's pretty hard to do if you're only into Ariana Grande and stuff.. But it also gives me an great indication of your possible reaction to my "gangster rap made me do it"-tattoo.

Like, I haven't got one yet, but I am having one soon, and I would appreciate it if you would get the reference.

And to be honest, if you are only listening to mainstream music, or God forbid actually like Bruno Mars, well, we can be friends an all because I don't judge my friends for their bad taste in music, but you are not seeing me naked. Sorry.

My point is, I haven't been dating for so long that I all of a sudden have super high standards. Feels good. And I want someone more like myself if I'm ever trying this dating thing again. I mean, I'm not even sure if I want to date anyone, but I do know for sure that this person has to at least like Mac Miller, Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg. Like this is a minimum requirement. Bonus points for Biggie, Kendrick and A$AP.

Too long didn't read? It's cool, this GIF pretty much sums it up.

Feb 2, 2015

Don't know what they mean, They're special, just for you.

I instantly like people that draw on themselves. Its like they come with a automatic stamp of approval and it hasn't been wrong so far. So when I found this picture, my first thought was "fuuck, I really have to like this person because she has the most ridiculous drawings on her legs that I've seen ever".

But then I found her page just now and I realized that I've seen a lot of pictures from her studio before, and I tell you, she has so many awesome pictures from her studio. Like can someone get me her life? Because all I really want to do is fool around in a art studio like this one.

But it's not only her studio that's great, her art is breathtaking too. It's like all these women has this intense presence in their expression and its sooo impressive when you can get that in a painting. Like fuuuck. That's hard enough to do in pictures but to paint it? Wow.
I really just want to go home and draw till I'm this good at it. Like see you never. 

Jan 27, 2015

I found a new place here. I’m coming down fast.

So I actually started moving today and it feels great to finally move into an apartment which I plan on staying in a while. I want to make my room livable this time because till now, my previous rooms has been the closet I occasionally sleep in. Now I'm getting a much bigger room, so that I can have a king size bed and chill out lounge in my closet. Or actually bed, chill out lounge and closet in my art studio. Boom. I have a good feeling about this apartment.

And I want my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet. And I want my closet on display at all times please.

When it comes to style I've always been torn between two very different ones. First the clean cut and simple black and white.

 But then again I am in love with the simplicity and the shabbiness of an Art studio, so I am predicting a attempt of having both.

And I'm so getting a photo wall right after I buy a Polaroid camera. Or before. We will see how much the printer can take.

Jan 26, 2015

Bitch I'm a muthafuckin Martian, I'm a goddamn Goblin.

It's magic Monday today and for all of you that hates Mondays, well how should I put this, Monday probably doesn't like you very much either. And you can also pretty much fuck off if you're going to hate things as simple as days. People who hate insignificant, but still super relevant things like random days of the week can not be trusted as they might just start to hate random stuff with no warning what so ever, and there is nothing more regrettable than hanging out with someone that all of a sudden hates random shit surrounding you.

Mondays can be a fucking great thing if you choose to see it that way. I like Mondays. OK, so its the day that's furthest away from the weekend, so that kinda sucks, but I don't live only for the weekend anymore, so it doesn't really matter that much. Any day can be as good as the best weekend ever if you just choose to see it that way. Believe a little. Make it magical yourself.

And the same goes for anything in life. Who the fuck told you that everything is decided already anyway? Someone smart once said "There is no truth, there is only perception". You decide how your Monday is going to be. No one else can tell you anything different. And if there are people in your life that actually tells you which kind of Monday you're having, then you can decide not to be around this person instead.  Problem solved, because I'm a fucking problem solver.

Anyways, my point being that you can have a Magic Monday if you want to. You can have Magic all the time, if you just want to. Choose to see the world as magic and it will be that, if only just for you.

Everything is Magic, especially pizza.

Jan 25, 2015

That's why you see me walk around like nothin's botherin me

Growing up, I used to listen more to Eminem than both my parents combined. I mean my parents are great, and they tried their best and I love them for that, but they didn't make much sense to me when I was younger. I of course didn't really understand much when growing up either, so I see now that it was kinda a hard task to make me understand. But no one would ever explain to me how shit worked, they just called me out on my mistakes and wrong doings. And this isn't just my parents but other kids and teachers and family members too. Simply put, everyone.

I never did anything right growing up, and whether that was on purpose or not, I remember thinking the world was working against me. I used to be bullied a little in middle school. It wasn't so severe as other cases you hear about, but there was a few kids who just could not stand me, and they tried really hard to make my life shit. I even felt bullied by a lot of my teachers, you know the people who are supposed to teach you stuff, and instead just tear you a new one when you can't keep up.

But every time things got so hard that I couldn't deal with it anymore, I just went home, listened to Eminem till I felt tough enough to face my problems and till I felt tougher than the people who was against me. I wore his music and attitude like an armor. So I'm sorry mom, the shit you got later in my childhood was just some Eminem attitude, but I needed that. I needed a hero, so I became one my self. Or at least pretended to be a gangster. It totally worked tho.

Eminem once said "Straighten up little soldier. Stiffen up that upper lip. What you crying about? You got me.
I took that literally.

Jan 24, 2015

More issues than Vogue

I got Statements Clutches on my mind lately and I don't think I can stop just yet. Not any time soon when I come to think about it. Like have you ever tried putting your drawing pad in a normal, non-clutch purse? Yeah, I thought so. There is no other type of purse I can trust with my drawings so naturally I'm eternally grateful for Clutches. And you just have to hold it in your hand, which is nice and easy, but it can also be a problem, especially when going out.

When you are going out with a clutch then you basically have one purse-hand and one alcohol-hand for the rest of the night. You might argue that you can just drink the drink you are holding, and problem solved, you have one hand free again. Only, it's not as simple. Believe me, I do this all the time, drink my drink in 0.5 seconds so I can have a hand free, but people notice this and all of a sudden I have a new drink in my hand. I mean, I'm not complaining, I'm just saying its not optimal dancing with alcohol in your hand. Why? Alcohol all over everything, that's why.

Even found pictures of my two newest clutches, the "I complete me" and the "Whatever" one. The three clutches below are more my equivalent of celebrity crushes. I would totally stalk the gun purse if I knew where to start.

Jan 23, 2015

Ask me if I do this every day, I said "Often".

I always find the best party music whenever I'm working the nightshift, I mean, I have been listening to trap the last 5 hours straight, and naturally it's making me wanna go out. Run around a little, drink some shots, have insightful conversations with random girls you meet in the bathroom, make friends with all the bouncers, sing all the rap lyrics out loud and dance till I fall on my butt.

I love it, and now that I cannot go out due to the obvious night shift, I want to do it even more. I need to see some people. But misunderstand me correctly here, I also love staying in and just be drawing for hours too, but I just need some diversity. I feel like I'm both a introvert and an extrovert, in the way that I love to be alone and do my own thing, but I also love to be around a lot of people. Just not at the same time. It's all very confusing to me too, but I just kinda go with it, and see where it takes me.

I think balance is the key in everything you do. Dance all night long and practice yoga the next day. Eat chocolate when your heart wants it and salad when your body needs it. Wear high heels on Saturday and walk barefoot on Sunday. Live high and low. Move and stay still. Embrace all sides of who you are.
Be brave, bold, spontaneous and loud and let that complement your abilities to find silence, patience, modesty and peace. 
Aim for balance.

Jan 22, 2015

Now my madness is the only love I let myself embrace.

This video is of Monami Frost, one of the coolest tattoo babe's I know, and she probably has the most epic facial tattoo's I've ever seen on a girl. Her style is also so rad that she has sponsors. Like the Hundreds. Check out her FB-page here.

I always wanted to be a tattoo artist, but the more I think about it, the clearer it gets. I need to be a tattoo artist. I mean, there is a lot of other things I wish to work with later on, but nothing I want more than this. And I'm going to do it this year. I have no idea how to do it, or where to start, but I will figure it out. New years resolution number 3; Become a tattoo artist.

And so I thought I could tell you about one of my favorite tattoo artists. Her name is Sara Fabel and she's the boss. I have been drawing for years but when I discovered her work I was completely mesmerized. What she can do with a pen is magic. She is especially amazing at drawing skeletons, animals, animal skeletons and jewelry, and her style is so clean and perfect.

She is also a God with a tattoo machine, and as far as I've seen, she tattoos herself too. Like a fucking badass. Seriously, she is a huge inspiration to me, and if I'm half the artist she is some day, that would be insane. And did I forget to mention that she is also a model? Because she's not only talented, she is also beautiful as fuck.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Sara Fabel please.

Jan 21, 2015

Pay it forward.

I have been talking to some very like minded people lately and it inspires my already intense determination to be good this year. Seriously I'm so stoked on making the world a better place, that I can hardly sit still. I also live in a country where people seems more open to helping each other out, and doesn't look at me strange when I wish them a good day. Perfect.

It's simple really. Start with doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. Like paying the bus tickets for the two British tourists who didn't know bus drivers in Malta never has change and gets offended by anything bigger than a €5 bill. €3 isn't a lot of money, and it's probably not for them either but they weren't going anywhere with their €20 bill.

Or like yesterday when an old Maltese lady in the street I live almost made it rain with all her groceries.. I mean 10 KG of food isn't the biggest problem for most people, but for a old lady who just fell and hurt her hip, it's not an easy task. So I helped her 20 meters to her door. I'm no superhero, just carried her things for a bit and had a really nice conversation with her.

I'm not talking about saving the world, I'm just talking about seeing the people around you, and if there is something you can do in order to help them, that they cannot do for them self, then go for it. Help them out.

Right now I'm working night shift for one of my colleagues. She has her adorable kid to spend day time with, and so for her to be working night shift doesn't make much sense to me. So then I offered to take all of her night shifts, at least till the summer is back again.

Just remember, something that doesn't cost you anything might be worth a lot to someone else, so why not give it to them instead? Sharing is caring.

Jan 20, 2015

Adventure time, come on bring your friends.

I wanna live in a car on the beach. In preferably a warmer country. Just sleep whenever I'm tired, parked in a warm car near some beach. I wanna hear the waves and the sound of the ocean when I fall asleep. I wanna go barefoot everywhere and only wear one or two pieces of clothing. I want wind too, but warm summer wind. 
I wanna see palm trees everywhere at all times, and I wanna get to know the ocean a little better. We have quite a good relationship already, but I feel like there is so many side's of it I haven't seen yet, and I hear that's important to do with the love of your life. Seriously. If I can have a nice sea view all days of my life, that would be enough. 
And this quote is everything. I mean, I have been doing this for a while, and met so many awesome people. And I think if you meet enough people, someone is bound to have the same dream as you. I have met so many adventurers on my adventures, and they are some of the coolest, chillest and most interesting people ever. They have a kind of curiosity and optimism towards life, that is really enjoyable to have around and also be apart of. 
But for the most part, I just wanna sit on a nice beach. I wanna be warm, happy and free. Preferably on the beach please.

Jan 19, 2015

And you taught me how to love, what nobody ever could

The word spring in Norwegian means run, just so you know. The title is so cryptic because I'n listening to the weeknd right now and fell in love with this song. And to make it relevant - Spring taught me how to love holes aka nothing. Aka Blank space, which nobody could ever love. right?

Spring is more or less back on the menu here in Malta now, which for me means that I can totally wear what I want to wear, and not just the clothes that keep me warm(read: all my clothes, all at once, all the time). And the first thing I am getting is holes.
On my knees. When I come to think about it, I want holes anywhere really, so either when it's transparent fabric or holes in it, or even both. Actually anything that shows skin when it's not supposed to will do as well. And it has to be black because I'm not wearing anything not black this year. Totally my new years resolution this year.
And that ass. I want that too this year.

Jan 18, 2015

Home is wherever I'm with you

They say the body/mind/subconsciousness has a way of finding the way home. It's like this inner compass guiding you back to where you belong. That would explain why I run around like I do. They also say that home is where your mobile connects to the internet automatically, and I guess that makes sense too. I say home is where the heart is, so it can be anywhere you'd like.

Home is such a abstract word for me. I just came home. I had been home for a week, but not all the way home-home to Trondheim, just home to Oslo. Home for me would be a lot of different places but I really don't care that much about it to be honest.

Almost everything I love, I love in a very appreciative way, and not in a possessive way, which means I don't feel the urge to own everything I love, I just appreciate the fact that it exists. So your home is home too, as I don't need it to be mine.

Today I will try to start moving again. Moving back in with my Bestfriend here in Malta, and even tho I haven't lived there for real yet, it has still been my home for a long time, in that way that their guest bedroom always had my name on it. 

Jan 17, 2015

I got a pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine.

The last week I've been drinking so much caffeine that it would probably be enough energy to power all of Malta for a good 10-15 minutes. Hello, they have Burn Energy drink in Norway and not in Malta, so naturally I've been drinking it like it could cure cancer the past 7 days. I'm not so sure about the cancer part, but it got me up and running constantly even tho I hardly slept while I was there. I can still feel it lingering in my body, and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if you told me my blood was around 25% caffeine. Caffeine shock therapy is for real, and it's actually working quite well.

I've been in Norway for a little week just now, and it was such a great trip. I met up with two of my best friends and been adventuring with them. I have also been slipping off bar stools, play fought and laughed till my stomach hurt. Now I'm full of bruises and in a great mood, so I can't think of a better way to start this year.

Anyways, when I was walking to work this morning, it was like Malta was telling me "Look at this! Who in the world is insane enough to say no to this!? You don't fucking leave again, OK?!" I know girls who can get desperate like this and all of a sudden go from a OK 6 to a good 9 just to show you what your missing. Malta is doing this to me, and I get it now. Staying.
I also feel like Malta appreciates me so much more than Norway does. Or maybe Norway do as well, but is just confused about how to show it properly. Because every time I go home to Norway it always starts snowing like crazy. Maybe Norway thinks I enjoy the snow?

Anyways, it totally backs up my theory of Frozen being the metaphorical story of my life. Seriously, I go home and people claims that "it's basically spring now" or "it hasn't been snowing in weeeeeks/all season", and then I'm home for hours before the sky opens up. But come to think of it, I kinda like the snow, other than the fact that it's just so fucking cold.

Jan 9, 2015

And you know we don't give a fuck, it's not your birthday.

This morning I traveled from London to Oslo, as I have a week's vacation here. It's my bestfriend's birthday next week, and we are having a surprise birthday party for her tonight. Fuck yes, this is going to be so epic. The secret to making the best surprises is to disappoint the person a little first, as a joke, and then yell surprise when you see that all hope has gone from their eyes. I have told her that I would come to Oslo "soon" so many times, she doesn't take me seriously anymore. Perfect. I'm on my way.

I am also visiting my other bestfriend Ary, who I haven't seen in one and a half year. She lives in Oslo now as well so I'm thrilled I get to spend a whole week with both of them. They are about as crazy as I am and we always have the best time together. I have been on so many random adventures with these girls, and I hope there will be lots more coming.

This picture was taken in 2011, a week we've just referred to as the Hell week ever sincesimply because it was the most insane week ever. We don't have that much proof this week actually happened, but here's one of them. We had just picked up Vidle's yellow (Siamese twin) convertible, which we were riding naked in later that day(of all things not documented, this is documented on video).

Hope this week will be just as eventful, but I will be satisfied with only half.

Jan 8, 2015

I would stay & love you but I have to go; this is my station.

"Traveling is like flirting with life. It's like saying, 'I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station'"
- Lisa St. Aubin de Terán

I love to travel. Not just getting to the destination, but also the trip there. And I fucking love flying. I even tolerate waiting when I travel, which is something I normally can't do for shit. I also like airports. I like to wander around trying on all the perfumes and seeing all the other people wander around as well.

Today I'm traveling to London, where I will stay till tomorrow morning, when I'm going to Oslo to surprise my best friend for her birthday. There's 9 hours waiting in London on a Thursday night. I mean, I can wait, but I'd rather not.

And when one of my other best friends(who I always used to party with back home, and which I haven't seen in years(!!)) is promoting this club in London at the moment, there's no way I'll willingly stay at the airport all night.

But you know, who cares what I think anyway. You can say a lot about RyanAir, but the fact that they are never usually late, is a very well known fact. So of course my plane had to be an hour late, so I didn't have time to go into the city. Fuck that, I wanna see the world. Now. Please.

Jan 7, 2015

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.

I once read the following quote: "Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air, and thinking you are better than everyone else. It’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else in the first place."

Total game changer. But seriously. All people are different, and we should embrace that instead of trying to compare everyone to each other. No one are alike. No one should be. You should be able to look at yourself and be happy because you are the best version of you. Not because you think you are better than someone else. What defines you as a person should not depend on who you are comparing yourself to.

My mom always told me growing up that as long as you did your best, that's good enough. And I believe that still. You just have to do your own thing. Know your self. Know your strengths so you can grow stronger.  But also your weaknesses so you can improve. Be ambitious when you set goals for who you want to be. Who you want to become. And don't do it so you will be better than someone else, do it so you can look at yourself and be happy that you are the best possible version of you.

We are not perfect human beings, nor do we have to pretend to be, but its necessary for us to be the best version of ourselves we can be. 

Jan 6, 2015

Everyday people do everyday things but I can’t be one of them

We are a different kind. We can do anything. We could be heroes.

I love the saying "When I grow up, I wanna be...". I know that I am now 22 years old and kinda an adult, but I don't feel very grown up. I have lived abroad on my own since I was 19, and can take care of my self and make my own decisions but I am not quite there yet. Let me explain. I am not a tattoo artist, rock star, hero, flight attendance or any of the other things I want to be when I grow up yet. I'm still just me.

But when I grow up, I also wanna be happy. And I am. Does that mean that I kinda made it already?

If so, I need new goals now that I am grown up. Vacation. Get a tan. Swim forever. Margarita. That was easy.

Jan 5, 2015

Happiness isn't a destination, it's a way of life.

The last few months has been great. I have decided to be happy all the time, and now a days, people aren't fucking with that. Which means I've been constantly happy for months. I love it. Thanks everyone.

But it's more than just deciding. OK, so I am actually so stubborn, that it might have worked only deciding, but I'm not taking any chances so I also do a lot of things to guarantee my happiness. Because if you don't know what actually makes you happy, how can you be?

You only have control over three things in your life—the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. How you use these three things determines everything you experience.

There is no correct recipe for happiness, but this is the shit that makes me happy:

Being around other happy people.
There is few things in life that's more enjoyable than to spend time with happy people, especially those who makes you as happy as they are. 

Junk food.
 Preferably burger, but really anything with melted cheese if I'm going to be honest.

Gangster rap.
Because that shit made me do it, and will probably make me do it again. A lot of times actually. Gangster rap can pretty much make me do anything, like smiling and laughing and dancing and stuff. Gangster rap is probably the only thing that can make me do anything.

The sea.
The sea will always be my first and only love. Nothing will ever be able to calm me like the sea does or be wild enough to keep me entertained for such a long period of time. I'm sorry, but there is no comparison.

Any kind of art really. But very much street art. At least the kind done right. Destroying something in a way that it becomes more beautiful is a fucking achievement and I so appreciate it. Even simple love dedications to tacos.

Because nothing feels better than buying shit I really don't need, just because I want to. And can. I like pretty things and clothes. Sue me.

The sky.
One of the reasons I am so happy in Malta, is because of the incredible skyline we get sometimes(read: all the time, especially in the morning). The beauty of it's mesmerizing and I can't get enough even if it's sunsets, sunrises or just damn good weather.

All the small things.
They say "you never know what you have until you've lost it". Well I fucking know what I have. Mango, the smell of coconut+Moroccan oil, city lights, night club lights, any lights really, the smell of the seasons(fall and spring mostly), kittens, the word Adventure. Small things. Ideas. The best things in life aren't things someone once said. Understandable. 

also I like Tumblr a lot. If you couldn't tell.

Jan 4, 2015

Wake me up when summer's back on the schedule please.

Yours sincerely, I've been asleep all year. PS. I'm not even joking.

Seriously. I have this thing where I tend to fall asleep whenever it gets too cold. It's like my body goes "Hey this is cold enough for me, lets shut down in order to save energy", and all of a sudden I'm in hibernation mode aka asleep. This happens all the time, and it's annoying as shit.

It even happens at other people's houses, which is especially irritating seeing as it's involuntary and kinda rude to that person your visiting. Luckily for me my friends have gotten kinda used to this by now. I mean, most of the time I just fall asleep where ever I'm sitting down, but this has happened so many times that I have at least two extra beds with my name on them at people's places. I have even been carried from the sofa to the bed once. Like a child. Like a 22 year old child.

But yeah. I've basically been sleeping for 4 days. The place where we buy electric cards for our apartment has been closed all year, so we have no electricity at home at the moment.
Long story short, my heater has been off for days, and therefore so have I.

Jan 3, 2015

The last adventure of the year, and wishes for the next.

On New Years Eve I avoided getting champagne sprayed in my eyes by giving someone a high five at the perfect time. I got champagne all over my dress and hair, but I shielded my face pretty neatly. With a high five. That pretty much gives the perfect picture of how ridiculous the night was. I also have a faint memory about being the party popper master of the night, seeing as non of the girls around be seemed to get the child-safety off. I had my fair share of difficulties with it my self at first, but managed after dancing the party popper dance(just think raindance and along those lines) and... stuff. It was an interesting night to say it at least, and a perfect way to start of the year.

It was probably the best new year's eve I've ever had, just because there was no expectations, other than to get drunk as fuck and to wish the new year welcome with open arms and legs and a bottle of Moet. Even had a totally Cindarella moment, in the way that I lost my shoe running home. There wasn't really any dude at the party tho, but that didn't mean I woke up alone. I woke up next to a half subway sandwich and it was everything I could ever hope for.

Ever since I woke up the first day of the year I've been sleeping. Like I've been constantly napping, with a few breaks, like toilet break, food break or even "I need to clean the apartment before my roommate gets home from France"-breaks. That was probably the shortest break, but that can be explained by the temperatures in our kitchen.

I have a feeling this year is going to be great, judging by the epic and totally random start of it. Just the way I like it.
This year I'm praying for 1- awesome sunglasses, 2- cool ass fucking ankle socks, 3- fake furs which look real(Like I mean animals have the nicest fur but I won't let an animal die for my clothes lol), 4- great shopping, 5- weather that allows me to wear what the fuck I want to (like large sweaters and no pants) at all times. 6- for people to be nice to each other regardless of who they are. Assholes are people too, and they need love as well. 7 - Anything in the color nude. Or skirts like that in any color. 8- At last I pray for sunshine and palm trees. May they surround me always in 2015.