Feb 22, 2015

You ask me where I been? I've been everywhere

I drive fast, wind in my hair, I push you to the limits 'cause I just don't care

I wish. But I've been sleeping. And listened to Lana Del Ray on repeat. I've been doing that for about 11 days now, maybe even longer. I mean, it's still winter and all, but these past days have been especially wintery, as it has been constantly raining, at least for the parts I've been awake.

It's pretty much still raining but what can you do? I know, let's go shopping with the rest of the money I got this month. Yes. And then I did the only thing you can do in Malta without money. I went out.

Yesterday was a really eventful evening actually. I think I make up for all the adventures I miss when I'm sleeping, and when you only have a few hours in between work to pull off the adventures, well, I have a few pictures that would back up my theory.

I got a free pizza, simply by asking the dude in the pizza shop, theoretically, what I had to do in order to get a free pizza. He got kinda embarrassed when I suggested showing him my boobs, even tho I wouldn't do it for real(it's totally illegal in Malta), but he gave me a pizza anyhow.

I also felt the need to smuggle this piece of pizza into the nightclub so you can actually see inside my jacket that it was indeed pizza there last night. I also have pictures, and this is basically the closes thing I will ever get to kissing photos online.

And I cracked my phone. It was a small crack so no worries, but still. I could say "I'm never taking my phone out with me again", but to be honest this happened in the kitchen after I got back. Also, if you are not having your phone out with you, how will you approve that tag request on that Facebook picture of your butt at 2 AM? I guess we'll never know.

One thing I do know is that I love the free going out part, but to be honest the hangover costs at least a few recovery pizza's the day after as well, and somehow I cannot get free food when I'm sober. I have no idea how that is really working and I am too hungover to figure it out today.

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