Aug 21, 2014

Fuck Yes Prodigy

So I was at a prodigy concert here the other day and I didn't get the chance to tell you about it until now. But seeing that my back still hurts like hell(obviously from all my sick moves) I think I'm still entitled to write about how epic it was. I don't even like to use the word epic, because if everything is epic, than nothing is truly epic. So I haven't used the word in weeks, maybe even months, but now it's time to take it out again, because this shit was so fucking epic, that I will stop using that word to describe anything ever again.

I even sat on some shoulders, and the first time he lifted me up, was at the same time they started playing my favourite prodigy song so that was obviously one of the greatest moment of my life. Did I forget to mention that we were at the VIP area closest to the stage, and that eye contact with the band was unavoidable(haha like I would ever avoid eye contact with them). Safe to say that I've never been that exited my whole life.

Aug 19, 2014

Good morning beautiful

There's nothing quite like the sunrises here in Malta. They are so perfect every morning, it's almost a little cliche. We have the greatest view from the roof top at work, which makes working night shifts a dream. Wish I had a camera so I could take some pictures for you, but luckily Google also has some pictures, so I'm good with the whole camera situation for now.

Even tho it sucks that I have to sleep during the day, I still enjoy being up(and actually awake for once) so early, even if it's just walking home from work. The light is so bright and golden, the temperature is actually acceptable and the streets are so empty if you think of all the tourists that are normally there. And the fact that every Maltese person over 40 is going to wish you a great day if you just smile to them first, doesn't make my day any worse. That's actually one of the greatest things here, everyone is so friendly- even to strangers.

I've actually grown up to be quite the morning person while on this Island. I wake up in the morning, and cannot fall asleep again. I just wanna go outside in the sun. And I'll rather wake up two hours earlier so that I can have a longer morning before work. Plus, I actually get shit done in the mornings, and there is no better feeling than to have a empty to do list at 10 in the morning.


Aug 13, 2014

The Pope’s 10 Tips for a Happier Life

I have never claimed to have an idol. Icon. Person to look up to. A person's beliefs and actions which I could stand for. This was until Pope Francis. He has done so many great things, which is for you a small Google search away, but he recently came with this list over 10 tips for a happier life, and it's great.

1. “Live and let live.” Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with the saying, “Move forward and let others do the same.”

2. “Be giving of yourself to others.” People need to be open and generous toward others, he said, because “if you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid.”

3. “Proceed calmly” in life. The pope, who used to teach high school literature, used an image from an Argentine novel by Ricardo Guiraldes, in which the protagonist — gaucho Don Segundo Sombra — looks back on how he lived his life.

4. A healthy sense of leisure. The Pope said “consumerism has brought us anxiety”, and told parents to set aside time to play with their children and turn of the TV when they sit down to eat.

5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because “Sunday is for family,” he said.

6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. “We need to be creative with young people. If they have no opportunities they will get into drugs” and be more vulnerable to suicide, he said.

7. Respect and take care of nature. Environmental degradation “is one of the biggest challenges we have,” he said. “I think a question that we’re not asking ourselves is: ‘Isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature?’”

8. Stop being negative. “Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. That means, ‘I feel so low that instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down,’” the Pope said. “Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy.”

9. Don’t proselytise; respect others’ beliefs. “We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyses: ‘I am talking with you in order to persuade you,’ No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by attraction, not proselytising,” the Pope said.

10. Work for peace. “We are living in a time of many wars,” he said, and “the call for peace must be shouted. Peace sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never quiet, peace is always proactive” and dynamic.

Aug 6, 2014

Swimming pools

There's not many things in the world I want more than a swimming pool at my place. I would totally spend more time there than in my bed. And it would be worth having raisin toes for the rest of my life. Easy.

Here in Malta however it's not that hard to find a place with a pool. To be honest,  I know penthouses with pools for under €1000 a month. But I don't really know how to get one myself. And I just moved into a place which has everything else I want.

But I am ending up in Costa Rica one day, and then I will not settle for anything less than penthouse with a infinity pool.

Aug 1, 2014


Inspo and shit. Fuckin ey, I so want all this. Especially the tiger.