Mar 12, 2015

If you want it let me hear you say "Gimme some more"

People have been telling me all week that "it's soo long since I've seen you!!". Well, how should I put this.. I've been staying at home freezing my butt off, waiting for summer the last 4 months, and it's really nice to see you too, thanks.

I mean, the summer is more of less back now, and so am I. It's been sunny since last week and I've been mostly off work this week, so naturally I've been having shots for breakfast ever since that Jägerbomb Monday morning. Great. Perfect way to start off the summer/daydrinking season.

On Monday I also decided to channel my inner Ke$ha, I mean more than Jägerbombs on a Monday morning, so I colored my hair pink. I really tried (perhaps not so hard,) getting it red, but who the hell cares. It actually got a little orange in the back too, due to the obvious blind zone, but I'm not complaining. I also tried taking a picture of my hair for days now, but failed a little bit as I'm not really that experienced in taking selfies, so please feel free to chose the picture below you hate the least, because all of them are all kinds of blurry, just like this week.

The picture on the left is the only one where I'm not wearing a beanie so you're welcome. That's my "don't really wanna take a picture but doing it all for you anyways"-face. Also the one on the right is when it started to wash out. Pink Ombre for the win.

Even found a drink I've been looking for for the longest time. I've had it a million times when I've been drunk but I can never remember what it's called.. I mean it's the only green drink I know of that's not a frozen mojito, but it's a fucking grasshopper and I don't know how I could ever forget that. But I did. Multiple times.
Here is me and my Grasshopper. I love you and I will never forget you again. This is also why I have a blog. Cause I forget shit all the time.

I have also been drinking green shots, which are my favorite shots, but I don't know what these are called either, as I just have to request "the green shots" whenever I'm buying them. Names are overrated anyways.

But what really defines summer, is the fact that I was able to wear shorts outside for a whole day, and I even bought Mc Donalds for breakfast to celebrate. Summerbody 2015, here I come.
And also, what the fuck is shorts really good for, if not looking like you aren't wearing any.

Mar 7, 2015

I'm always fucking childish you knew that when you met me

Just the dancing at 1:40 is worth the watch, but you should seriously consider putting Childish Gambino's music videos on repeat for a while. And he is really smart so you might even learn something.

Ehm, I've been called out a lot of times for claiming everything as my favorite. Like I have about 650 favorite songs, but when people think that's too many, I don't feel it's enough. One of my favorite song's is by Childish Gambino, and it's called Heartbeat, and you have to listen to the Dirty version, because well, it has all the dirty words, which adds up to almost the whole song. And I really like artist's that do that.

"I wish we never fucked, and I mean that. But not really, you say the nastiest shit in bed and it’s fuckin’ awesome"

Mar 4, 2015

That feeling that doesn't go away just did

So, I've gotten a few requests to write more about what I'm actually doing, and not just what I'm thinking of, and believe me, I really want to. Only problem is that Malta is boring during the winter, and so am I. But I don't like to disappoint either so here you go;

Got off my 6th and last night shift yesterday morning at 8, and when you are that sleepy, but need to stay awake, I find it most helpful to become something else than sleepy, but even more. Yesterday I chose drunk so around 12 when I was too tired to stay awake at home, I went out daydrinking instead.

The summer is almost ready to return and has been teasing with day drinking weather all yesterday and today. I also have a new partner in crime! He is new to Malta, and since he just got here he's almost as excited as I am, and everyone truly deserves to have someone who is equally as excited as them self's.

Here we are at Havana on a Thursday in February. There is no one out then but we don't give a fuck. We came prepared. Prepared and excited.

Because the thing you really need when going out successfully, is just that, excitement. You simply cannot have fun anywhere without wanting to be there, and wanting to have fun. So be excited. It's all kinds of fun. I mean, I can have fun sitting on a chair.
Until I fall off, then its even more fun. I think actually I have had the most fun on the floor. Unless it's sticky.

Mar 1, 2015

Summertime Sadness got nothin on Wintertime FML

You ever heard about the 5 stages of grief? I mean, I've read it, and it's basically the 5 stages of Winter in Malta. At least for me.

1. Denial and Isolation
I went to Medasia Playa's End of summer party alone last year. I mean I found some friends after a bit, but I went there alone.  I think that counts as both denial and isolation, because I was alone for most of it, and can remember thinking "ha-ha summer's not over yet. Amateurs". You can even see that I'm thinking this in the photo I found.
That is my "haha-fucking-amateurs" look. ..Then I seem to recall summer ending a few days after that. Fuck. That probably means I'm the amateur.. 

2 Anger.
I think I had my first rage about the cold somewhere in October already and I think it was only to test if anger could help me feel warmer. I don't really get angry normally and it didn't help with the warmth either, so I gave up on this one pretty quickly.

3 Bargaining.
"Please weather God, if I promise to spend more time outside, can it please be summer again?"
Yeah, that obviously didn't work, but I was still stuck on this one a while..

4 Depression.
Comes when you realize that winter is inevitable, and you have to live through it all. ALL. OF. IT. This is also when you turn to Vodka.

5 Acceptance.
 After enough Vodka, you'll eventually get to either summer or acceptance. I'm pretty much at this stop now. I am calm, collected and waiting. And perhaps a little drunk. I have accepted the fact that its winter and not summer. And I also accepted that it is still some waiting to do. But it's boring as fuck.