Mar 4, 2015

That feeling that doesn't go away just did

So, I've gotten a few requests to write more about what I'm actually doing, and not just what I'm thinking of, and believe me, I really want to. Only problem is that Malta is boring during the winter, and so am I. But I don't like to disappoint either so here you go;

Got off my 6th and last night shift yesterday morning at 8, and when you are that sleepy, but need to stay awake, I find it most helpful to become something else than sleepy, but even more. Yesterday I chose drunk so around 12 when I was too tired to stay awake at home, I went out daydrinking instead.

The summer is almost ready to return and has been teasing with day drinking weather all yesterday and today. I also have a new partner in crime! He is new to Malta, and since he just got here he's almost as excited as I am, and everyone truly deserves to have someone who is equally as excited as them self's.

Here we are at Havana on a Thursday in February. There is no one out then but we don't give a fuck. We came prepared. Prepared and excited.

Because the thing you really need when going out successfully, is just that, excitement. You simply cannot have fun anywhere without wanting to be there, and wanting to have fun. So be excited. It's all kinds of fun. I mean, I can have fun sitting on a chair.
Until I fall off, then its even more fun. I think actually I have had the most fun on the floor. Unless it's sticky.

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