Jan 24, 2015

More issues than Vogue

I got Statements Clutches on my mind lately and I don't think I can stop just yet. Not any time soon when I come to think about it. Like have you ever tried putting your drawing pad in a normal, non-clutch purse? Yeah, I thought so. There is no other type of purse I can trust with my drawings so naturally I'm eternally grateful for Clutches. And you just have to hold it in your hand, which is nice and easy, but it can also be a problem, especially when going out.

When you are going out with a clutch then you basically have one purse-hand and one alcohol-hand for the rest of the night. You might argue that you can just drink the drink you are holding, and problem solved, you have one hand free again. Only, it's not as simple. Believe me, I do this all the time, drink my drink in 0.5 seconds so I can have a hand free, but people notice this and all of a sudden I have a new drink in my hand. I mean, I'm not complaining, I'm just saying its not optimal dancing with alcohol in your hand. Why? Alcohol all over everything, that's why.

Even found pictures of my two newest clutches, the "I complete me" and the "Whatever" one. The three clutches below are more my equivalent of celebrity crushes. I would totally stalk the gun purse if I knew where to start.

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