Oct 11, 2014

When your memory is shit, you have to live for the moment.

My memory has gotten so bad that I can forget specific things selectively, and it's great. I don't have to remember, or even think about things I don't want to, and it is making my life so much easier.

However, it does not work the other way around. I can't remember something on purpose if I really tried. I will remember things I find interesting, but certainly not everything. Not even half. Just random bits and pieces.

So I live for the moment.

And sometimes, that includes forgetting about the last 6 drinks I downed, and then allowing my self to down 6 more. I also do recall doing shots, so maybe it's only my short term memory that's shit. Who know, who cares. I just know that I have never been so hung over in years. 

I couldn't drink anything today, but that didn't stop me from trying. I drank about 1 litre water in total today, and I don't even like water. Unless it's running down my face. In the shower. On purpose(please do not drown because of me). I finally ended up doing some shower yoga (which cannot be a real thing, right?), type fetal position. No I'm serious. It was probably the best possible thing to do right then and there, so if you're hungover right now, or for the next time you're hungover, go take a shower, lie down for a while, and let some water run down your face. At one point I actually was brushing my teeth, while resting the shower head on my own head, closed eyes, and it made me think of the Seal song Amazing. Because that was exactly what it was. 

You're welcome.

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