Oct 30, 2014

The Force is strong with this one.

Halloween is right around the corner and the big question is what to be on Halloween. Drunk would be my first choice, but I am working on Halloween and wont be going out. Luckily for me I was celebrating Halloween last week instead, and rocking my best friend's silk bathrobe, running around pretending to be a Jedi master. It was a way impulsive decision as I originally only had the Lightsaber, but I would easily gone naked if that meant I could be a Jedi for Halloween.

But bathrobe works fine too, and people are actually getting what you're dressed as. Which is the most important part of your costume, I guess. I lost my Lightsaber for a few minutes during the night even, and while searching for it I probably looked more like a stripper on lunch break than a knight of the galaxy, so I was lucky to find it again.

Jedi in the streets, Sith in the sheets.

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