Oct 16, 2014

Painkillers and Wizdom

It's 10 am and I just rolled out of the bed an hour ago. I would say woke up, but truth be told, I have no idea how long I slept yesterday, or if I even slept at all. It feels like I was trying to sleep for hours in pain, and then I just forgot about the pain for a short while, fell asleep and then woke back up again, in pain. I don't know if we are talking seconds or minutes. But one of those.

The painkillers just started to kick in now, and I feel better than I have in hours. To be spesific, since yesterday around when I got off work. I've been up all night. No demons to fight, only a fucking tooth ache, in form of a wisdom tooth trying to literally fuck up my gums. In theory I'm pretty lucky tho, it's room for the tooth and everything so the tooth itself isn't really the problem. My fucking gums are however. Fuck you. I've been zombie crying continuously for hours. It's been ridiculous and it kind of reminds me of the following GIF.

This was me at 4 last night, and I am not kidding even a little bit.

It's a little swollen still, but I am no longer in pain. Thank God. Or that sweet girl over at the Pharmacy who first asked "Have you ever taken these before?", where I explained to her that I have been ingesting all types of painkillers from Norway for years, and that I never had any negative reaction to any medication, even tho I used to always take 5 or more. I said this to her after I had been crying for hours as well, so she just smiled, handed me a new pack and simply said "These will be perfect".

It says "Max Strength" on them, and also that you should never take more than 3 per day. If you have to judge a book by it's cover, then I would think these are amazetits.

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