Oct 9, 2014

Embrace the Space

So I had a tattoo done last Wednesday, that I still haven't showed to you guys yet. I'm so sorry. My intentions were pure as gold tho, I promise. I actually tried getting home to Norway this week, just so I could get my camera, and take a good picture for you guys.

But time's up. Hello, it's been a week. Apparently I'm not going out of the country anytime soon either, pluss, I'm getting impatient and I really want to show it to you now. So fuck it, web camera for lyfe.

Please don't hate me for this.

It says Embrace the Space, and I have been waiting to do it for a whole year. "What does it all mean?" It means that you should embrace everything that's especially spaced. I'm talking about all the weird shit. All the randomness. Embrace it, seek it, accept it. Love it to bits. I do, and it's making me happy at least.

And it rhymes. And seriously, how many tattoo's do you have that rhymes?

Also, embrace the space on your unfinished sleeve, it only means that it's room for more tattoos, 
and what's not to like about that?

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