Sep 6, 2014

To be unforgettable, one must always be different.

Some people are a bit more special than others, that's for sure. I saw this video of the unforgettable Joan Rivers, and the way she talks is reminding me of Sienna Millers portray of Edie Sedwick in the movie Factory girl. I love that movie to bits. I love the way she just effortlessly adds "you know?" in the end of the sentence. Sienna says the same, in the same exact way, and it adorable. It's like she knows all the secrets of the world and is acting like you know it as well.

I love meeting people that fascinates me. I love being around them. I love when people don't try to be anything, they just are that way. Special. They think in a whole different way than most people. And that's why this movie is one of my all time favorites. It tells the story of a person who stood out and thought differently. Who was special. And I love how they portrayed her. Beautiful. 

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