Sep 25, 2014

Shoes makes me happy. I'm superficial. Whatever.

Every time I wear heels at work, there's always someone who asks "How can you walk in those shoes all day?" And to be honest, and if everyone would like to know, it got a hell of a lot easier to walk in heels when you stopped thinking of them as a piece of clothing. They are now seen as my feet extensions, and its working out great for us.

It takes a fair amount of trust to be able to put one foot a meter in front of you, and then land perfectly on the piece of plastic/wood/leather attached under it, without bending your knees or stumbling. You have to trust that the shoe will stay there, and not slip away or do anything crazy. But once you have established that kind of relationship with your shoes, then its piece of cake. You should actually spend some time getting to know your shoes. Ask them how their day was like more often.

I love my shoes, even tho I use my favorite pair every day till they are broken down. I am metaphorically speaking a serial dater and a player when it comes to shoes. But who the fuck cares, it's not like they are gonna be upset about it. Or?

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