Sep 25, 2014

Not even I can find a way to stop the storm

In Malta we have an annual storm in September every year. It's basically the first time it rains in months, and when it rains it pours. Literally. Since this is a small Island in the middle of the Mediterranean, it's gets pretty flooded, and two years ago it rained for 6 hours straight, and after that I had to swim a little to get home. And it took 3 hours. True story.

When I checked the sky today before getting dressed, it was a little cloudy, but at the time I got half way to work, it had started to raining like shit. And it's like the a really harsh wake up call from the summer, in form of a big, fat, wet bitch slap right in the face. There's no other way of explaining it other than it fucking sucks. 

I'm still in denial regarding this, and I think I will stay in denial until the storm blows over. Or till this season blows over. This blows, that's for sure, in more ways than one as well.

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