Oct 8, 2014

I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist

I never used to picture my future until quite recently. I wasn't interested in the future, and to be honest, I didn't think I would even make it this far. I've lived my life so recklessly because of this. Who would ever think about consequences when you don't plan to live any longer?

Understand me correctly tho, I didn't plan for my life to end, I just didn't plan for it to continue.I stopped expecting shit pretty early too, because I didn't wanna be disappointed when I didn't get it. So I stopped expecting my life to continue. I kinda just let it unfold.

And now I am here. Planning my future.

It's still pretty difficult to plan my future tho. I have enough commitment issues to last us both a life time, and it has gone so far that I have problems committing to my dinner plans, let alone what I'm doing this weekend. But fuck it. When I'm moving from Malta, I'm going to Norway. In Norway I'll save up some cash, spend time with friends and family for a little while Before I;

1. Move to Costa Rica
2. Move some where else, like USA, Gran Canaria, Bali, or somewhere else cool(read: Warm).
3. Go to work on a cruise ship.
4. Start (or while I'm) working as a flight attendance

Truth be told, I just want to be happy, everything else is unrelevant.

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