Oct 10, 2014

I can't keep myself, and still keep you too

I have been quite emotional the last few days, and I feel a strong need to chill the fuck out right now, and find my inner chill-ism again. I need a spirit quest, a shaman or some spiritual awakening to kickstarting this bitch back up again. OR stop watching all the "These 75 Iconic Photos Will Define The 21st Century So Far" posts I keep stumbling over. They make me ugly cry at work and its not worth it at all.

I actually just need some fucking sleep after doing 8 night shifts after each other. This shit is making be act like a total girl, and I don't really appreciate it at all. It doesn't feel like me, and I actually am looking forward to going back to having the emotional span of a 9 year old again.

However, what I do appreciate is the time off that comes after night shifts. I have 5 days off starting now, so I have all the time in the world to reach my Zen mentality again.

I'll just binge watch Star Wars till I'm back to normal. Problem solved

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