Jan 21, 2015

Pay it forward.

I have been talking to some very like minded people lately and it inspires my already intense determination to be good this year. Seriously I'm so stoked on making the world a better place, that I can hardly sit still. I also live in a country where people seems more open to helping each other out, and doesn't look at me strange when I wish them a good day. Perfect.

It's simple really. Start with doing something for someone that they cannot do for themselves. Like paying the bus tickets for the two British tourists who didn't know bus drivers in Malta never has change and gets offended by anything bigger than a €5 bill. €3 isn't a lot of money, and it's probably not for them either but they weren't going anywhere with their €20 bill.

Or like yesterday when an old Maltese lady in the street I live almost made it rain with all her groceries.. I mean 10 KG of food isn't the biggest problem for most people, but for a old lady who just fell and hurt her hip, it's not an easy task. So I helped her 20 meters to her door. I'm no superhero, just carried her things for a bit and had a really nice conversation with her.

I'm not talking about saving the world, I'm just talking about seeing the people around you, and if there is something you can do in order to help them, that they cannot do for them self, then go for it. Help them out.

Right now I'm working night shift for one of my colleagues. She has her adorable kid to spend day time with, and so for her to be working night shift doesn't make much sense to me. So then I offered to take all of her night shifts, at least till the summer is back again.

Just remember, something that doesn't cost you anything might be worth a lot to someone else, so why not give it to them instead? Sharing is caring.

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