Sep 28, 2014

Smile more, it makes you look happy.

I just got to work, and the coffee(hot chocolate+espresso+espresso) I made, doesn't really taste as it should. Sometimes the coffee machine gets broken you know, and then it just spews out water with some shady-ass color. The fact that I mix different ones, makes it even harder to tell if I got a real coffee or just bullshit.

I've also eaten my own weight in fast food the last couple of days, but that did not stop me from having pizza for lunch. Ever since Nicky Minaj's Anaconda got out, I've been subconsciously trying to get a ghetto booty of my own. No, I'm just kidding, I'm only in it for the Pizza. And Burgers. And Toast, Pancakes and Doughnuts. Fuck yes.

Since last time I've also taken a "Which Scandinavian Country Do You Belong In?"-Quiz, and lost. How do you loose a Quiz? You get "You should live in Sweden!" as your final result. Maaan. This also reminded me I have to color my hair again, and soon. My hair has the same color as my coffee did this morning, yellow-brown-ish, and I am so sick of it.

The last few days I've also been living at my friends house. When they have a penthouse with enough beds for everyone, and no one has work, then no one ends up going home, and we just hang out for ever. I love it, and it reminds me so much of late summer nights in Norway growing up, where we would just crash wherever and just drive around for hours and never go to sleep. And we did, and its been great.

 My friends just asked if I wanted to join Bakermat after work. Sure, why not. 

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