Sep 13, 2014

First you get a swimming pool full of liquor, then you dive in it

I was invited to this "End of Summer" party just now, where it said "241 Frozen Margaritas" on the poster. Like, does that mean there will be 241 Frozen Margaritas? In which case, I'll take them all please, and how are we getting more for everyone else?

But no. 241 Frozen Margaritas apparently means that you'll get two for the price of one. Which is great too, if you're actually willing to pay for alcohol, which I'm not. But what I really can't stand is when people use numbers instead of words. I am sorry, but I am not coming to your party no matter how many Frozen Margaritas you might have.

The same goes for Twitter. Fuck you and your Margaritas, Twitter! Haha no, but seriously, only allowing it's users to write 140 characters are affecting us people to try to explain as much as we can, with as few characters as possible. And I am all up for explaining things using fewer words, in a simpler way, but when people just ruthlessly replacing words with numbers to shorten it down, then I'm not happy. And also, Twitter can suck my dick.

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