Dec 21, 2014

Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable

What is Art? What is the definition of Art? Is anything you call Art, really Art? What is really a definition? There is so many questions but most important; Does it fucking matter?
No. Of course it doesn't fucking matter. Art isn't about definitions, people's opinions, right or wrong. You cannot point at someone and say "Your doing Art wrong". Fuck you if you think you can. It's like saying that someone exist in the wrong way. What I love most about Art, is that there is no rules. There is no right or wrong. Just do what the fuck you want to do.

I love messy art. Complicated and/or all over the place. I love how interesting it looks. But simplicity can be nice too, because one of the things I love the most is contrasts. Differences. And purple. I fucking love purple.
Contrast's tho. It doesn't have to be light/dark contrast, it just have to be something completely different put together. Like old paintings and rap lyrics for example. Or snapbacks and high heels. I love contrast's in almost every aspect of life. I love how the differences compliment each other, and they often give you a better perspective as well. It actually comes very close to comparing things to each other, but you don't want them to be the same, you appreciate the differences instead. And that's what I love about it.

Art can make you perceive things differently. See them in a new light. Make you rethink something that you were sure of before. It's like having a friendly discussion with yourself. A picture says more than a thousand words, and that's why we can express our self through it so well. You can say it all but at the same time say nothing. Silent noise. 
Art and I have a lot in common. We don't have to be anything. We should be a few things, but we don't have to anything.
Also, Fuck the rules.

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