Mar 1, 2015

Summertime Sadness got nothin on Wintertime FML

You ever heard about the 5 stages of grief? I mean, I've read it, and it's basically the 5 stages of Winter in Malta. At least for me.

1. Denial and Isolation
I went to Medasia Playa's End of summer party alone last year. I mean I found some friends after a bit, but I went there alone.  I think that counts as both denial and isolation, because I was alone for most of it, and can remember thinking "ha-ha summer's not over yet. Amateurs". You can even see that I'm thinking this in the photo I found.
That is my "haha-fucking-amateurs" look. ..Then I seem to recall summer ending a few days after that. Fuck. That probably means I'm the amateur.. 

2 Anger.
I think I had my first rage about the cold somewhere in October already and I think it was only to test if anger could help me feel warmer. I don't really get angry normally and it didn't help with the warmth either, so I gave up on this one pretty quickly.

3 Bargaining.
"Please weather God, if I promise to spend more time outside, can it please be summer again?"
Yeah, that obviously didn't work, but I was still stuck on this one a while..

4 Depression.
Comes when you realize that winter is inevitable, and you have to live through it all. ALL. OF. IT. This is also when you turn to Vodka.

5 Acceptance.
 After enough Vodka, you'll eventually get to either summer or acceptance. I'm pretty much at this stop now. I am calm, collected and waiting. And perhaps a little drunk. I have accepted the fact that its winter and not summer. And I also accepted that it is still some waiting to do. But it's boring as fuck.

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